Thursday, September 13, 2007

Guardian Newspaper Reports on Culture Changes

After our recent report on the changing faces of the Culture Company, today’s Guardian ran with a report outlining the new changes that have occurred and an interview with well respected TV Producer, Phil Redmond. Mr Redmond has been chosen as the new deputy chairman of the Liverpool Culture Company board, which has been slimmed down from 25 members to only six. He will lead the artistic side of the cultural celebrations, which begins next year, and he will work with arts organisations and encourage community participation.

Mr Redmond went on to explain that he hoped to give the programme more of an 'edge' by examining the city's Irish heritage and providing a "cultural clearing project", where arts groups who made submissions for 2008 and felt they were ignored can resubmit their ideas. He also spoke of the open culture initiative, which will encourage people to engage in activities: "I want people to know they don't have to have culture done to them - they can take part."

Could it be that Mr Redmond had recently read Duncan Campbell’s article in The Guardian? Or could it be that he’s been keeping up to date with the Liverpool Mural Project on this website?

Surely now the Culture Company must see how valuable the Liverpool Mural Project can be to not only them but more importantly to the city of Liverpool in 2008. The very fact that we have Belfast artists from two communities willing to grasp hold of the current peace process in Northern Ireland by working together. This along with their desire to bring years of artistic talent and experience to the people of Liverpool in order to help produce excellent pieces of public art in and around the city, surely common sense must prevail?

To read the Guardian's article in full click on the following link:

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