Thursday, November 01, 2007

I wanted to write and voice my support for The

Liverpool Mural Project. This is a very exciting concept, bringing together Mural Artists from Northern Ireland and our neighbours in Liverpool. This project is interesting on so many different levels. Not only does it bring together mural artists from across the political divide in Northern Ireland, it also reaffirms Belfast and Northern Ireland’s long history with the city of Liverpool and helps to rejuvenate and regenerate areas of disadvantage. Liverpool as a ‘City of Culture’ should be holding such projects as beacons of hope, while there will always be finance and a place available for mainstream art mediums; whenever such an unusual project bringing together those from conflicting cultures and involving real people – it must be supported. I wish you all the best with this project and will help in any way I can.

Yours sincerely Dawn Purvis MLA

Progressive Unionist Party Leader

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